Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > QueryReadFailureOptionOff





The QueryReadFailureOptionOff parameter switches on or off the passing back to the calling program any read or lock error that occurs in the query phase when objects are read.

By default, when a read or lock error occurs, the object being read by the query phase defaults to a null value. In particular, this means that data paths that contain null entries will print blank.

If you want errors passed back to the calling program (that is, the JADE Report Writer) instead of being ignored when a JADE Report Writer application reads an object and a read or lock error occurs, specify this parameter, with a value of true. (Although this parameter is set to false by default, it is not displayed in your JADE initialization file until you specifically define it.)

Parameter is read when …

The executable first uses the JADE Report Writer to run a report.